Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
University of Wisconsin - Madison

Process for Using the Assessment Tools (Closing the Loop)

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Flowsheet of the Student Assessment and Program Assessment loops (.pdf form too)

Department Chair

The Department Chair evaluates the inputs from all the program assessment tools each 1 1/2 years in preparation for the department’s Visiting Committee meeting.   The results are summarized and presented to the department’s Visiting Committee.  The relevant overheads from the department chair’s State of the Department presentation to the Visiting Committee are kept on file and included in ABET reports.  In each Visiting Committee meeting agenda, the undergraduate program subcommittee of the Visiting Committee evaluates this information and meets with a group of undergraduates during the Visiting Committee meeting .  This subcommittee reports its findings to the full committee, which presents their summary to the department chair and faculty, and to the dean of the College of Engineering.  Areas requiring attention are identified after this meeting after discussion at a faculty meeting.

Assessment Subcommittee

            The assessment subcommittee of the department Curriculum Committee has been charged to meet twice per year, and this committee considers the input from assessment tools that has become available since the last subcommittee meeting.  Given the timing of the assessment tools, the schedule is as follows:

Meeting    New Assessment Tool Input
Fall semester EBI survey, co-op evaluation forms, course evaluation forms, instructor course evaluations, alumni survey (when available)
Spring semester    co-op evaluation forms, course evaluation forms, instructor course evaluations, alumni survey (when available)

This committee summarizes the input and makes a presentation to the full faculty.  This faculty meeting provides another opportunity for the department to identify areas that require further attention.

Listing of objectives and the tools used to monitor student attainment here

Summary of achievement of objectives here

return to Assessment Homepage

Date Created: October 12, 2004
Last Modified: November 15, 2004
Content By: Thatcher Root
Markup By: Thatcher Root