Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
University of Wisconsin - Madison

Assessing CBE Program Outcomes in CBE 424


In CBE 424, there are numerous activities that map well onto specific departmental outcomes. These are listed below. For supporting instructors logs, data from each semester, and examples of specific activities or student work, please see the Direct Measures file for CBE 424.

To maintain a record of assessing these outcomes, we envision separate columns in the grading spreadsheet in which to record scores that measure each student’s achievement of the specific goals. To maintain a record of assessing these outcomes, we envision extracting data from the grading spreadsheet or adding columns to record scores that measure each student’s attainment of the specific goals. The scores will be on the 1-5 scale, with corresponding base achievement targets:

1-5 scale:

Outcome (b).1: an ability to design and conduct experiments:
A main component in the capstone laboratory course involves students designing their own experiments from open-ended assignments. In the four “Informal” experiments, the students must design and assemble equipment as needed for their assignment. In Informals and Formals, there are many times when the students must decide what experimental conditions to use and what data to collect. By the end of the course, the instructors have observed the students on several experiments and can assess this skill; a P/F score can be recorded to document the students’ ability.

Outcome (b).2: as well as to analyze and interpret data:
Analyzing and interpreting data is also a major emphasis in the laboratory. This ability is clearly required for the Distillation Formal, and is also needed during experimental design and refinement on the Informal experiments. By the end of the course, the instructors have observed the students on several experiments and can assess this skill; a P/F score can be recorded to document the students’ ability.

Outcome (g).1: an ability to communicate effectively using written communication:
Students write 8 or 9 individual experiment reports, in “full” or “memo” style. Grading sheets contain separate scores for Presentation and Content. The Presentation score can be converted to a 1-5 scale and recorded to document ability.

Outcome (g).2: an ability to communicate effectively using oral communication:
All students present the results of one experiment orally. This activity is already graded for the class; a score on the 1-5 scale can be recorded to document the students’ ability.

Outcome (i): recognition of the need for, and an ability to, engage in life-long learning
For many experiments, and particularly for the open-ended “Informal” assignments, students must use the library and other outside sources to find necessary information that is not provided in the assignment. After reviewing reports and comparing references used with expectations for independent investigation, instructors can assign scores Satisfactory/Marginal/Unsatisfactory.

Download these guidelines in Word file

return to Direct Measures page.

Date Created: June 26, 2006
Last Modified: September 17, 2006
Content By: Thatcher Root
Markup By: Thatcher Root