Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
University of Wisconsin - Madison

Assessing CBE Program Outcomes in CBE 470


In CBE 470, there are numerous activities that map well onto specific departmental outcomes. These are listed below. For supporting instructors logs, data from each semester, and examples of specific activities or student work, please see the Direct Measures file for CBE 470.

To maintain a record of assessing these outcomes, we envision separate columns in the grading spreadsheet in which to record scores that measure each student’s achievement of the specific goals. To maintain a record of assessing these outcomes, we envision extracting data from the grading spreadsheet or adding columns to record scores that measure each student’s attainment of the specific goals. The scores will be on the 1-5 scale, with corresponding base achievement targets:

1-5 scale:

Outcome (a)1 and 3: an ability to apply knowledge of math and engineering
The classroom portion of the course relies heavily on Laplace transforms and other mathematics, and applies this to modeling process dynamics and determining the effects of different control strategies. This ability is evaluated by the course instructor based on the cumulative performance on exams.

Outcome (b)2: an ability to analyze and interpret data
All of the laboratory experiments require the students to analyze and interpret data. In particular, Experiments 3 and 4 have extensive analysis and interpretation. The lab section TA is most closely involved with the student reports, and will provide this evaluation based primarily on the quality of the work on Experiments 3 and 4.

Outcome (c): an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs.
Experiments 5 and 6, and the end-of-semester course project. all require the students to adapt existing equipment or develop new capabilities to accomplish the assignments. The lab section TA will provide this evaluation based on the work conducted in the laboratory.

Outcome (k)1: Ability to use the techniques and skills necessary for engineering practice
Lab work is heavily dependent on routine techniques and skills, such as calibration and use of spectrometers, pressure transducers, thermocouples, and valves. The lab section TA will provide this evaluation based on the work conducted in the laboratory.

Outcome (k)2: Ability to use the modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
The experiments are automated using LabView, with associated A/D and D/A hardware interfaces, and much of the data analysis and homework is conducted using Matlab. Students are expected to use these tools to practice what they are learning in the control course. The lab section TA will provide this evaluation based on the work conducted in the laboratory.

Download these guidelines in Word file

return to Direct Measures page.

Date Created: June 26, 2006
Last Modified: September 17, 2006
Content By: Thatcher Root
Markup By: Thatcher Root