Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
University of Wisconsin - Madison

Assessing CBE Program Outcomes in CBE 324


In CBE 324, there are numerous activities that map well on to specific ABET outcomes. These a listed below. To maintain a record of assessing these outcomes, we envision separate columns in the grading spreadsheet in which to record scores that measure each student’s achievement of the specific goals. To maintain a record of assessing these outcomes, we envision extracting data from the grading spreadsheet or adding columns to record scores that measure each student’s attainment of the specific goals. The scores will be on the 1-5 scale, with corresponding base achievement targets:

1-5 scale:

Outcome (b).1: an ability to design and conduct experiments:
In Expt. A.2, “Thermal Conductivity of Solids,” students must design the experiment in the sense that they must determine how frequently they must take data in order to analyze the transient temperature data and extract a thermal conductivity. We could assess each student’s ability while grading this lab report: if the data is sufficient to reasonably extract a thermal conductivity, then the student has satisfied this goal above a minimum threshold.

Outcome (b).2: as well as to analyze and interpret data:
In Expt. B.3, “Concentration Profiles in a Stagnant Film,” students must analyze chromatography data to determine concentrations, then use the concentration-time data to extract mass diffusivities. The student has satisfied this goal if the report reflects that the student has performed the above analyses correctly (or perhaps is given an opportunity to correct major errors).

Outcome (d): an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
The instructor can evaluate each student’s ability to function in his/her group throughout the semester, as well as on the group report. We envision the instructor deciding upon a aggregate score for each student for this assessment.

Outcome (f): an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
After the viewing of the movie and the classroom discussion, the students will each write a short summary of the issues related to professional and ethical responsibility raised in the movie and subsequent discussion.

Outcome (g).1: an ability to communicate effectively using written communication:
The course grade, which is based primarily on technical writing (and data analysis), can be used to assess this outcome. Perhaps a separate score (on the 1-5 scale) can be recorded in addition to the average course grade.

Outcome (g).2: an ability to communicate effectively using oral communication:
The oral report can serve as the assessment of this outcome.

Outcome (k): Ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice:
The instructor will evaluate each student’s ability to do these things based on observation of the student’s ability during the laboratory exercises.

Download these guidelines in Word file

return to Direct Measures page.

Date Created: November 10, 2004
Last Modified: June 26, 2006
Content By: Thatcher Root
Markup By: Thatcher Root